Tuesday, March 24, 2015

BRC Cards!

THEY ARE IN! And by "they" I mean my BRC business cards! Essentially, I want to use these to give to people I want to exchange contact information with (yay, new friends!), to get pictures of my cosplay and other people's cosplays. It's hard to take pictures in my Spartan armor lol. So I will be asking anyone who doesn't mind to send me pictures of me (if they take any) as well as some of their favorites from Anime North 2015. 

I designed the card myself, and did all the artwork. I purchased 500 from Vista Print for about $30. If you look at the bottom of the back (the white side), you will see my Deviant, Facebook (cosplay) and blog addresses. There is also a blank spot for me to write what I cosplayed as, since we all meet so many people at conventions, it can be hard to remember who was what!

Oh, and enjoy the llama!

Front of BRC card.
Back of BRC card.

Halo MK VI Update!

My undersuit came in and I was so excited I had to try it on. It is just a plain black strectchy catsuit that I am adding vinyl detailing onto!

I have done a LOT of detailing with my wood burning tool, and have sealed all the cracks in the arm pieces (I use Dap bathroom seal for those who are interested, you can't sand it, and need to wipe the excess off with a wet piece of paper towel BEFORE it drys).

I have tried making the thighs twice already and had to scrape it. It is the hardest part for me to size apparently....

Here's my progress!




Upper armor test.

The detailing on the back nearly killed me...

58 days until Anime North 2015!

Monday, March 9, 2015

Halo MK VI

 So, if you haven't noticed, I have two cosplays on the go. Essentially, when I get tired/bored/upset with one, I switch over to the second one. At the moment, I am working on my Halo MK VI armor done using EVA foam. If you have seen them before, check out 405th.com! They are an amazing dedicated group of guys and gals who are dedicated to various forms of armour, but mostly revolving around the Halo universe.

So, without further hesitation (this is my first time building armour), here is my progress so far!

Halo MK VI Armor To-Do List
Biceps {x}{x}
Codpiece {x}
Hands {x}{x}
Thighs {x}{x}

Neck seal with armor.

Codpiece. Black part is plasti-dipped. And yes, those are real screws..can't believe it took me that long to realize I could use real screws...

Codpiece/Stomach part of the suit. I used my sewing machine to do the diamond pattern.

Neck seal and should based on Blue Realm Studios design.