Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Khajiit Test

Yup..I’ve decided to go as a Khajiit! Which means I am trying to kill myself to get that fixed…the hood didn’t fit with the ears so I had to add ear slits (not in the game, but hey, I’m pretty sure it would be very uncomfortable/look horrible if ear slits did not exist. That or Khajiit have very bendy ears).
So, I have finished both ears, added earrings, and done a tail.

Also, my cat prosthetic from NorthFur FX came in! They are a Canadian company that specialize in animal prosthetic. This on is the “Wild Cat/Large Cat” foam prosthetic. I also have black and white costume makeup that I ordered from NorthFur FX.

So stoked for Anime North 2015!

Khajiit cosplay makeup draw on test. I wasn’t sure what type of pattern I wanted originally, so I decided to play around with it. I think I like this pattern. What do you guys think? Let me know!
PS. Yea I drew in some fangs…I have those ordered as well :)


Yea, so I decided that I wanted to be a Khajiit...which means completely revamping my Nightingale cosplay. I need to: - Make ears. - Make a tail. - Figure out how I am going to do the face - Figure out how to do the hood with the ears. Yup. I'm trying to kill myself.